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Integrity Starts with YOU!

Stand with the International Center for Academic Integrity and Turnitin to resist contract cheating

Audrey Campbell
Audrey Campbell

Contract cheating, or the practice of engaging a third-party complete assignments, is on the rise, but how concerned should we be? It turns out, very: a recent study sought to investigate the frequency and growth of commercial contract cheating in Higher Education since 1978. After analyzing samples from 65 studies, 15.7% of students from 2014 to the present admitted to paying an individual to do their work, which potentially represents a startling 31 million students around the world.

Are you alarmed? Just wait.

This behavior not only subverts the integrity of an institution’ s degree, but it permanently damages the reputation of the student and erodes the very foundation of our educational systems.

Contract cheating is undoubtedly happening and it’s time to take a stand.

On October 17th, we’re partnering with the International Center for Academic Integrity to support the 3rd Annual International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. It’s a day dedicated to driving awareness and urgency around this unethical behavior. The countdown has begun.

Leading up to this important event, we encourage you to:

Unless we unite to take action, this threat to the integrity of education will continue to grow. Stand with the International Center for Academic Integrity and Turnitin to safeguard quality learning and resist contract cheating.

Sign the pledge and spread the word... we’ll see you on October 17th.